The 10 best fat burning foods to lose weight

Discover the best fat-burning foods that help you lose weight and lose weight, calm your hunger, increase your metabolism and increase your energy level!
Discover the best fat burning foods to lose weight more easily.
To achieve and maintain a healthy weight, try to incorporate the best fat-burning foods listed in this article into your diet.

Weight loss can sometimes be a slow and frustrating process when we do not have the best tools at our disposal. Fortunately, we use an effective way that is at hand: our food choices. In addition, we can ensure that we include low-calorie foods in our plate. This will necessarily bring us closer to our goal of losing weight and will be beneficial to our health. But still, there are also fat-burning foods, which promise to achieve results faster. These fat-burning foods are low in calories, increase metabolism, are high in fiber or quell hunger. Many of the many fat-burning foods also share a common characteristic: they are full of vitamin C. In addition to fighting colds, vitamin C helps to produce collagen, contributes to healthy skin, can protect the heart and help destroy free radicals associated with certain cancers. The new data available on the properties of vitamin C that helps burn fat and lose weight are so promising that we have classified this vitamin among the nutrients that release the fats in our Digest Diet book. Without further ado, here are the best fat-burning foods to help you achieve or maintain a healthy weight.

Papaya: one of the best fat-burning foods
Vitamin C content: 188 mg

Serving: 1 fruit

Rich in fiber, calcium, phosphorus, iron, thiamine, niacin and vitamins, papaya is a delicious and low-calorie fruit that promotes the proper functioning of our intestines and our immune system. In this sense, it is considered among the best fat-burning foods.

Originally from Mexico, this fruit contains especially pa pain, formidable against the collagen found in cellulite. This enzyme breaks down pectin, but also some sugars and lipids. It absorbs excess fat and sugar, and functions as a fat burner for our body. Possessing anti-inflammatory benefits, the papaya thus eliminates the orange peel and unsightly dimpling. In addition, its dietary fiber increases the feeling of satiety while encompassing cholesterol and cancer cells of the colon. This is why papaya is frequently used during slimming treatments with associated cellulite state.

A study published in Food Chemistry in 2009 found that papain showed the same effects as natural pancreatic enzymes that break down fat. Pierre Mantello and Luc Montagnier, authors of the book Living a long time in good health: an extraordinary ally, the fermented papaya, have also highlighted the many benefits of papaya. They argue that fermented papaya is as good for the body as vitamins C and E, beta-carotene or selenium.

Peppers, among the best burn-fat foods       
Content of vitamin C: 117 mg

Serving: 1 cup of raw peppers

The peppers contain capsaicin, which gives it a tangy taste and is rich in fiber, antioxidants and vitamin C. According to some studies, this capsaicin molecule has an effect on the sensation of satiety and increases the basic energy expenditure (calories) by preventing the assimilation of fats. In addition, this sweet pepper stimulates metabolism and is an effective fat-burning food.

Laval University in Quebec City conducted a study showing that men who ate red peppers daily for snacks and meals burned more calories per day than a man who did not eat.

A Japanese study published in the British Journal of Nutrition also found a postprandial increase (feeling of satiety after meals) in people who consumed red peppers.
To try: Warm salad of lentils and peppers.

Strawberries, a tasty food for burning fat Content of vitamin C: 85 mg

Serving: 1 cup

The favorite fruit of young and old has a high content of manganese and trace element. These stimulate the functioning of the thyroid gland, which has a significant fat-burning effect on the body. The strawberry is also considered a diuretic food that promotes weight loss and fat removal, thanks to the presence of potassium and some tannins.

According to several Japanese scientific studies, all these molecules have a lipolytic power (dissolves fats) proven similar to the active ingredient peppers and peppers.

According to Dr. Alan Hirsch, M.D, simply breathing the aroma of the strawberry with light exercise would increase the rate of metabolism and promote weight loss. The smell of the strawberry would particularly promote the production increasing the muscular performance.

To try: Salad of romaine and strawberries

Broccoli, an effective fat burner food

Vitamin C content: 81 mg

Serving: 1 cup raw broccoli

Low in calories, broccoli is one of the best fat-burning foods because of its high content of insoluble fiber resulting in significant energy expenditure at the time of digestion. Its consumption thus facilitate the intestinal transit, the elimination of toxins and fats. With a high concentration of zeaxanthin and lutein, two nutrients from the carotenoid family, broccoli is also an excellent antioxidant. Rich in vitamin C, it has appetite suppressant properties.

Scientific studies have shown that broccoli contains a natural anti-estrogen. By inhibiting the formation of estrogen, broccoli components increase the production of testosterones and prevent the accumulation of fat, thus promoting muscle wasting, especially in the abdomen.

To try: Spicy broccoli and cauliflower

Pineapple, among the best fat-burning foods promoting weight loss
Content of vitamin C: 79 mg

Serving: 1 cup

Pineapple is an excellent source of nutrients with metabolic effects. Manganese, magnesium, iodine, vitamin C, pineapple is also full of this valuable digestive and anti-inflammatory enzyme, which is called bromelain. Promoting digestion, this enzyme breaks down proteins and fights fat cells. In addition, the high presence of vitamin C in pineapple contributes slightly more than 30% of its antioxidant potential.’

Brussels sprouts: a food fat burner to lose weight
Content of vitamin C: 75 mg

Serving: 1 cup of raw Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts offer only 43 calories per 100 grams. It is distinguished by its very high content of vitamin C and K. Brussels sprouts also have a detoxifying, remineralizing, revitalizing, antibiotic and circulatory action; which makes this vegetable an excellent fat burner and a stimulant for the metabolism that can help to lose weight.

To try: Tasty sauteed Brussels sprouts   

Effective fat-burning foods: The kiwi
Vitamin C content: 72 mg

Serving: 1 fruit

Rich in fiber, magnesium, potassium, vitamin C and K, the kiwi has more than 80% water. Highly recommended for slimming diets, it brings a feeling of fullness and thus promotes weight loss. It also contains many phenolic compounds, including phenolic acids, procyanidins and flavonols (quercetin, kaempferol). These compounds, present in plants, also have antioxidant properties. A large kiwi contains 55 calories and brings you 80% of your daily vitamin C needs, making it a perfect snack. In addition, it does not contain a lot of sodium and remains a powerful diuretic, which makes it possible to lose accumulated water, very useful for pregnant women.

Oranges, one of the best fat-burning foods to promote weight loss
Vitamin C content: 70 mg

Serving: 1 fruit

Critics, which are condensates of vitamin C, such as orange, help fight fats. According to some large-scale studies, patients who consume 1,000 mg of vitamin C every day for six weeks significantly reduce their levels of triglycerides, cholesterol, blood glucose, and insulin. On the other hand, a study conducted by Estatale University of Arizona has shown that high vitamin C intake can help burn up to 30% more fat during exercise. Thus, experts recommend that patients who want to lose weight drink a lot of orange juice just before starting a physical exercise.

Effective fat-burning foods: coconut oil to reduce waist circumference
Saturated fats have a bad reputation, but the type of fat that comes from coconut oil should be high on your list of favorites. Why?

In 2009, she did wonders in the subjects of a Brazilian study suffering from abdominal obesity: decreased waist circumference, increased high density lipoprotein levels, improved relationship between this "good" cholesterol and the "bad" (low density lipoproteins).

No wonder hypercholesterolemia and heart disease are rare among people who consume coconut oil regularly!

Portion: To be consumed in moderate quantity. it is important to emphasize that saturated fats should not represent more than 10% of daily lipid intake. Choose coconut oil or milk.

To try: Chicken stir-fried with coconut and mango