Physical activities both adolescents and adults

Importance of physical activities in adolescents-

Efficiency in gestures and the development of muscle strength and aerobic capacity are enhanced in adolescence after the maturation of the neuromuscular and hormonal systems. This development is different and occurs at different times according to sex.
In adolescence, having friends who perform physical activity is important to contribute to the development and consolidation of an active habit.
The incorporation of physical activity of greater intensity, such as the training of strength and power among others, should be stimulated in the game as a fundamental aspect of development at this age.
Strength programs (with appliances, elastic bands) must consider the stages of sexual maturity that are accompanied by the development of other systems. Supervision of programs requires guidance from a physical education professional or coach. The consultation with the reference doctor must be periodic and subject to specific indications in front of the sports competition at this age.
Menstruation in adolescent women should not be a cause to contraindicate physical activity, on the contrary, it should be considered as a physiological aspect within a woman's life and attend to special situations if they existed (pain, excessive bleeding).

activities in adolescents


• Teenagers should enjoy playing and sports without being pressured by adults.
• Bones and muscles are stimulated with adequate strengthening exercises under the supervision of professionals. Excessive loads can cause injuries.
• Before participating in sports (soccer, basketball, hockey, skating) it is advisable to have a specific medical evaluation and to take advice on personal care measures to apply before, during and after the effort.

• When doing physical activity, wear clothing appropriate to the weather and protect from solar radiation.

Childhood and adolescence are periods of opportunity to establish healthy habits that will be maintained more easily in adulthood. Children who perform physical activity are more likely to practice it when they are adults.


Perform at least one hour of moderate to intense physical activity per day, incorporate strength exercises at least twice a week and decrease sitting times, especially in front of cell phones and televisions.
Socialization is very important in adolescence and care for others must be promoted as much as your own.
Always monitor the aligned posture of the spine. Avoid overloading it.


• Daily tasks: Walking and walking at a light pace. Climbing and descending stairs, collaborating in housework, moving actively: by bicycle, skate, etc. (taking into account the safety requirements implied by each means of transport). Monitor the posture of the spine when transporting backpacks.
Participate in physical education classes, in addition to sports or activities offered by the community.
• Physical activities in free time (taking into account the possibilities and tastes): dancing, gymnastics, swimming, inviting friends to do sports activities or exercise together.
• Spontaneous physical activities: games on the street and playground. Help in domestic tasks that involve physical effort.
• Sports and recreational games: playing and / or practicing recreational or sports games, as well as using active ways of traveling (walking, running, cycling, swimming, etc.).
• Promote participation and fun and not sports results.
• Promote the learning of the management of frustrations when the results are not as expected.
• Promote the learning of the administration of the triumphs before its adversaries in the case of achievements.

Physical activity for adults

Exercise for seniors is also very much important.
The stage of adulthood is of great labor, family and social productivity. Motor skills are developed if they are trained or practiced in a habitual way and this allows an adult life with energy, vitality and health. The practice of physical activity in different environments (home, work, transfers and free time) allows to achieve the recommendations of physical activity and prevent diseases associated with lifestyle. It is never too late to start benefiting from being active and less sedentary.

Exercise recommendations

For people 18 to 64 years of age we recommend doing at least 150 minutes a week of moderate aerobic activity, accumulated in periods of at least 10 continuous minutes. If intense activities are carried out, the recommendation is reached with 75 minutes or the combination of intense and moderate activities (1 minute intense equals 2 moderate minutes). Include muscle strengthening exercises at least 2 times a week.
It is advisable to minimize the moments in which we sit, lie down or in front of a screen (television, computer) during the day and divide the moments in which we perform these sedentary activities with active intervals (stop, walk, climb or descend stairs). For every hour we sit down we should move at least 10 minutes.
If the person has a sedentary pattern, it is recommended to begin the practice of physical activity in a smooth and gradual way, always looking for an activity according to their tastes and the possibilities depending on their daily life. Increasing levels of physical activity can quickly lead to muscle aches, a feeling of fatigue and little desire to move again.
The stage of adulthood groups people with different levels of physical conditioning and health status. Therefore, each person should, beyond the minimum recommendations, individually and progressively perform more physical activity and be less sedentary. It is convenient to incorporate physical activity into daily life so that it becomes a habit and a way of life. The type of physical activity will be chosen by each person in relation to their preferences, their possibilities and resources, but we must remember that health benefits can be achieved by performing daily activities and not necessarily being an athlete. Find what you like to do and move! Identify sedentary activities in which you can decrease the time

Physical exercise


• Daily tasks: walking and walking at a light pace. Up and down stairs. Perform household chores Move actively: by bicycle, walking, etcetera. If a load (bag, purse, backpack) is transported when walking, it is necessary to balance it and keep the column aligned. Take into account the security requirements of each means of transport.
• Physical activity and working life: if at the workplace has Active Work Pause start attending. Move to work on foot or if you do it by bus for the long distance, try not to sit down and go down some stops before to walk the last leg walking and vice versa when returning home. In the case of work activities that involve great physical effort (intense) may require control by specialists.
• Physical activities in free time:: taking into account the possibilities and tastes, consider dance classes, gymnastics, swimming, integrate a sports team. If you have a gym or a sports hall in the community, start a program based on your possibilities, requesting assistance in its design. Walk around the neighborhood, take the dog for a walk.
• Spontaneous physical activities: dance at home, if you live with children and / or adolescents, share with them games that involve movement, gardening, orchard, etc. Do the errands walking.
• Sports and recreational games: according to the age, abilities and skills of each person it is advisable to play the sport of your choice, if possible outdoors sports should be tried.