7 secrets to return to being sexy after childbirth

Once we return home with our baby in our arms and we face our new "reality", we fight to put everything back in its place so that calm and blessed normality return


In pregnancy, we totally ignore ourselves and, when it comes to an end, we discover ourselves as mothers. Once we return home with our baby in our arms and face our new "reality", we fight to put everything back in place soon so that calm and blessed normality return.

Once your baby is taking the rhythm of home and you already feel more comfortable as a mother, we will be able to return to where we are in our own development and growth as a woman, because, yes, your son is very valuable and important, but you too, so we're not going to neglect it, right?

1. Give yourself time in time

One of the things that most concern and make women feel that they have just given birth is their weight and the radical change in their figure. Give yourself time, be patient with yourself and remember that it took you nine months to form a perfect little person in your belly. You did an extraordinary task! So, at least, it will take another nine months to get back on track.

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There will be who will achieve in a few months his figure as he had before getting pregnant and others that take years, and even more that never achieve it. Do not lose sight of the fact that it is not a competition and that they do not award diplomas to achieve it. If you want to recover you will achieve it, again you will see the same or better than before pregnancy. Well, that answer you will find in the gym, in eating nutritiously and in your genetic history. Just remember to be disciplined, constant and give yourself time.

2. Where possible, rest

The principle of the recovery of your body and your mind to perform in your triple role as mother, wife and woman is to rest. Look for sleep, take naps while your baby also rests. Eat nutritiously and, please, do not run out or be overwhelmed! Breathe, calmly go that what we are doing is very important and vital for you and yours.

3. And where was the makeup?

You will feel much better and an excellent spirit if you give yourself a little attention: embellécete with a light and natural makeup, you will see that immediately your mood will go through the roof. Between the joy of having your child and feeling full as a woman, I assure you that you will see yourself radiant!

4. Do not hide your body

Maybe your body is still a little inflamed and nothing remains as you want, but do not get in or hide in pajamas, blouses, slacks and other loose factions that do not discipline the body and, on the contrary, they favor to take any form except the one you want.

Put on a loose dress but with a waist that feels good and suits you. It is a good remedy that will help you bypass the famous and so feared postpartum depression because you will be very busy with your beautiful son, your husband, your home, your work and putting a lot of effort into your new and improved image.

5. Hair and skin to the point

Pregnancy can cause some extra wear on skin and hair, so you have to pay double attention to make them beautiful again.

As for the skin, the natural and frequent consequence are stretch marks. There is no other: exercise once the doctor authorizes it, have a healthy diet and low in flours and soft drinks (sodas), and do not forget to add a good anti-stretch mark cream.

For hair, if necessary, a good cut to renew it and once a week apply coconut oil before going to sleep, you will see that your hair will gradually become moist. Eat one jelly per week or some product with collagen; In hair, feet and even nails the results will be seen.

6. Our secret: a fajilla

To discipline this powerful body! No hard and extreme strips, remember that we are going little by little, so choose something soft and elastic that gives you good support, confidence in the belly and that allows you to perspire.

7. Get out of the house! With all the above, my dear friend, you are ready to go out and conquer the world. You will be a beautiful mom! Without neglecting your little one, take up the relationship with your husband, take time to go out as a couple - a little while at least - to walk or have an ice cream, take your hand and long live love! They are a family now, and you are a beautiful and happy woman.