The causes of gaining weight

Weight gaining

Reason behind weight gaining

The stress

Everyone is exposed to stress, but some people manage it more effectively than others. It's not the stress factor that's involved, but the way it's answered. When stress is not managed properly, our body goes into survival mode, releasing cortisol, the stress hormone.
One effect of the effects of cortisol is to increase appetite. This is why some people instinctively resort to what they call "comfort food".
Usually, high-calorie foods like chocolate, candy, ice cream and others seem to offer more "comfort" than healthier options like fruits and vegetables. So you do not have to wonder why you put on weight during periods of stress.

Lack of sleep

Lack of sleep can come with stress, but in some cases, you can have insomnia because you do all kinds of things instead of going to bed early.
Television, internet, video games are the distractions of the modern world that keep us awake until late into the night, without realizing that we are wasting a good sleep against these hobbies.
There are two reasons why people who do not get enough sleep gain weight.
The first is hormonal. Lack of sleep disrupts the release of hormones that increase hunger and decrease satiety.
The second is that when we wake up late, we tend to get more snacks than we should.


There may be medications, including over-the-counter medications, that can make you fat. These include steroid drugs, some anti-arthritis medications, diabetes medications, hypertension, beta-blockers, anti-depressants and other medications for mental problems.
Changes in metabolism, water retention or increased appetite, the mechanisms explaining weight gain are varied.

Steroid, anti-arthritis, and some antidiabetic medications can cause weight gain because of salt and water retention. This side effect is aggravated if you eat salty foods.
Antipsychotic and antidepressant products may also cause hormonal changes that may increase appetite, but it is also possible that improved emotional well-being may lead to better appetite. Depression, in itself, can also lead to weight gain. So it is really better to increase physical activity, which will not only burn excess calories, but also release hormones of well-being to improve mental and emotional conditions.
Contraceptive pills are often accused of being the cause of weight gain. The combination of estrogen-progestin pills may cause small weight gain due initially to salt and water retention, but studies have shown that this effect is short-lived and generally dissipates over time. If you continue to gain weight more than six months after taking birth control pills, talk with your doctor or dietician nutritionist to look for a reason elsewhere.


Certain diseases such as hypothyroidism (thyroid gland dysfunction), Cushing's syndrome and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) can lead to weight gain. The thyroid is the butterfly-shaped glandular organ just below the Adam's apple.

When it is hyper-functioning, we lose weight despite an increased appetite.
Conversely, with a hypo function, we tend to gain weight despite a limited intake of calories.
An individual with hypothyroidism feels slow, tired, cold and weak. In fact, low levels of thyroid hormones slow down metabolism, leading to weight gain and decreased energy. Fortunately, this can be treated with medication. Still need to be diagnosed!
Cushing's syndrome is an abnormal condition that increases the level of hormone cortisol. It may be due to a tumor of the adrenal glands, a corticotropic adenoma (benign pituitary tumor) or it may be induced by taking a drug, such as some anti-inflammatory steroids for asthma, bronchial allergies or rheumatoid arthritis.
This syndrome leads to unbalanced weight gain, usually found around the face, neck, upper back, or waist. We talk about facio-truncal obesity.Polycystic ovary syndrome occurs in some women of childbearing age. Multiple small cysts form in the ovaries, resulting in hormonal imbalance. One of the main complications is insulin resistance. These women eventually become diabetic and gain weight, especially around the belly (visceral obesity).

Special cases


Does menopause lead to weight gain? No ... this is an idea. Weight gain is not due to menopause itself, but to the aging process and the decrease in body metabolism. Some women also tend to be less physically active after menopause, hence the extra pounds.

Stop smoking

When you stop smoking, you can expect weight gain from increased hunger, but that should not be a reason to start smoking again. The dangers of smoking are more than a hundred times more dangerous for one's health, compared to the risk of taking one or two kilograms that can be lost thereafter.

11 reasons why you can not lose weight: you will quickly see the differences!

You have taken the wise step of adopting a healthy diet for some time. But you find, helplessly, that your weight has not moved. Even if he has ... increased. You are not the first to find yourself in this situation. And if, without knowing it, you had indeed realized your objectives? Know that the weight of your body tends to fluctuate during the day, depending on what you eat, among others. It also depends on the amount of water you drink. Weigh yourself once a week rather than getting on the scale every day.
For results that are true to reality, you have to weigh yourself in the morning, on an empty stomach, after having been in the bathroom. It's simple, to be aware of the difference, weigh yourself in the morning, before and after drinking your tea or coffee: the result is surprising!

And most importantly, do not panic if your weight has not moved. Let your balance drop a bit and take out your jeans, which remains, by far, your best judge, because he never lies! This is how you will get an estimate of your body mass. And your mirror too, by the way!

1. You do not follow your nutrition.

Walking around with a notebook to count each calorie consumed during the day must be a stressful activity, and the idea is not to frantically analyze your diet.

It is always nice to enjoy a good dinner with friends or family without taking your head, confusion, guilt and stress are the best ways to crack for good.

Tracking your nutrition for a week is more than enough to give you an idea of ​​the amount of food you eat, and you can do this once a month to see where you are.

It's a simple way to become aware of your needs, and changes to be made in the future. Most of the time, we are not aware of what we eat. Many studies have shown that most people really do not know what they are eating during the day. Some foods contain a lot of calories, and we do not know it completely.

Hence the importance of monitoring. People who have the reflex to study their diet lose much more weight than people who do not.

2.You do not eat enough protein.

protein food

Protein is essential for weight loss and maintenance because it helps reduce your addiction to sugary foods and promotes a feeling of fullness. By consuming protein, you no longer want to snack between meals. Better than carbohydrates, proteins have the advantage of regulating ghrelin, which helps to feel fuller longer. In addition, proteins are essential for building and maintaining your muscle mass.

3.You should consume too much calories.

Junk food

The calories are not the same when you eat a packet of chips at 500 kcal or vegetables, including the same calories. We tend to underestimate the nature of calories consumed, hence the importance of calculating the actual intake of a food.

The solution is to know how to differentiate the "healthy" food from the "dietetic" food found in stores. Know that healthy foods are the ones you cook yourself at home.

4.You do not do bodybuilding.

Body building

5.You do not (enough) cardio


You have to find the right balance between bodybuilding and cardio sessions. Cardio is very important for weight loss, and especially allows you to burn fat contained in the belly fat called "visceral", which is built around organs and can cause diseases, including.

6. You should drink sweet drinks.

Sweet drink

Many people, despite their diet and their new way of life, drink fruit juice without knowing that it can be just as harmful as a normal solid food. Our brains do not treat liquid calories in the same way as solid foods. Your favorite fruit juice contributes to your daily caloric load ... And you are no less hungry after eating them, and there is a trap, because drinks contain more sugars than we imagine.

7.You are not sleeping well.


The key to a healthy life is also to sleep well! This is very important if you want to be physically fit as well as mentally, and manage your body mass. According to a number of studies, poor sleep is a big factor in obesity. It is expected that adults who sleep poorly are 55% more likely to become obese, and children are 89% at risk of having weight problems when they sleep poorly. Lack of sleep causes a cascade of reactions, such as the decrease of leptin, a hormone that promotes satiety, and the increase of ghrelin, the hormone of hunger. When we sleep badly, we do not want to eat anymore.

8.You do not consume the good carbs


Avoiding sweet treats is not the only thing to do: some starchy foods can cause so much damage, and some blood sugar spikes that can cause weight gain. Focus on whole grains like oats, millet and brown rice, to eat small portions.

9.You do not drink enough water.


Water is important for maintaining optimal health. According to a 12-week weight loss study, overweight people who drank half a liter of water half an hour before their meals lost weight in 44% of cases, unlike the others. The feeling of hunger is the first sign that you are thirsty, in reality. Drink a glass of water before each meal, you will see: you may not actually really hungry.

10.You drink alcohol too often


Rich in calories, alcoholic beverages, especially cocktails are a considerable sugar intake. Beers, wines and other sugary drinks are very bad for weight loss, if they are consumed to excess. A night of high alcohol consumption can negate a whole week of efforts in the kitchen and in the gym. Because after those nights, we tend to eat a lot, and badly.

11.You are too focused on the idea of losing weight at all costs


We have all experienced moments of relaxation. Sometimes you end up losing control. This is a bit of a problem, when you keep too much from eating, and you get into a cycle of hardships and diets too drastic. In reality, diets do not work when they are too private. We must therefore consider adopting a realistic and effective lifestyle over a long term.

You must feel that you can always enjoy life, and simple little pleasures, such as food. Do not make weight loss an obsession. Allow time and effort to do things and focus on the new healthy lifestyle that you adopt.