Black spots are filling the face? The quality of potatoes will eliminate the problem!

 But not only for eating, but also for beauty, potatoes are very appreciated. Black spots, pigmentation of the skin disappear in an instant thanks to potatoes. Rich in vitamins, minerals and enzymes, potatoes are very effective in various skin problems. In particular, there is no pair of potatoes to lighten the pigmentation of the skin! Learn how to use it. Potato is very effective in lightening dark spots, pigmentation on the skin. Peel a potato and wash it well in water. Make potato paste in mixer. Now squeeze the juice with your hand. You can strain it if you want. Apply potato juice on affected area and leave it for 15 minutes. Then wash your face with cold water. Apply potato juice on the skin daily for a few weeks. You will get the result on hand.

how many times can a man come in a row

What a man feels when he reaches orgasm

We reveal what it is they feel when they reach orgasm, it will surprise you
men sex

The climax of sexual intercourse, the male orgasm has always been surrounded by myths and half-truths; now there is a scientific study that details what they feel when they reach orgasm, do you want to know? Pay attention that it is most interesting for you and your boy.

The male orgasm
The psychologist and sexologist Pedro Lucas, says through a study, that the male orgasm lasts only between 3 and 8 seconds, very little compared to the average female orgasm that goes from 13 to 51 seconds, and also says the following: "I think that a good orgasm happens very rarely, some assimilate it to uncork a bottle of champagne: intense, fast and that does not last what one expects ", then how to make the orgasms of them more intense and lasting? The experts already talk about the R point and the psychologist Pedro Lucas insists: "We go to bed with two objectives: penetration and orgasm, and that is what you have to get out of your head.

You have to do it with the idea of enjoying sex, discovering what makes you enjoy. It can excite you to stimulate the testicles, nipples or whatever. Pay attention to what gives you pleasure, self-discovery is what matters. " Or what comes to be the same, the road matters more than fate.

Something that is not always easy to achieve since most men want to ejaculate within four minutes of starting sex. You read well, four.

The orgasms of men
This is where the R point, the point of no return, becomes important, when men want to ejaculate; And this is where self-control comes into play, to delay the imminent desire to ejaculate and to enjoy more of the relationship and orgasm. And how is this done? Well, the experts advise, first of all, the knowledge of the body of oneself, through masturbation and through exploration with the couple. And second the breathing, breathing deeply and slowly just at the moment in which the ejaculation looms; By means of this slow technique it is possible to lengthen the moment of pleasure, being able to last for hours, according to the experts.

Let's see more carefully what is happening in the penis of men at the time of maximum excitement to better understand all this. When a man is in full sexual relations, there comes a moment of maximum excitement in which the testicles become congested, the upper part of the penis is filled with blood and fluid and the flows remain at the end of the urethra, creating this It forms a full feeling that they understand as the arrival of orgasm.

And it is in that precious moment, in which eycualciĆ³n begins and it is there where you have to start with the breaths to avoid that impulse and make the orgasm last more than a few seconds. Interesting right?

The myth of the male orgasm
What follows from this? Well, the male orgasm can become much more pleasant and they do not always ejaculate and reach orgasm at the same time, a myth that is denied.

Surely after reading this you understand much better what men's moments of pleasure are like, so let's pay attention to the sexologist experts and explore with our partners so that the intimate relationships of both are more pleasant and lasting.

Is it possible to ejaculate several times in a row and make love all night long?

In theory, all men can make love for a long time. Everyone can decide (if he is fit) to make love all night and ejaculate only in the morning (because you have to sleep well after a while). The man who controls himself well is no longer the victim of uncontrolled ejaculation and can decide the right moment.

But in reality, this is completely different.

First, to make love all night, you have to be two. And it is particularly rare to find a partner who appreciates this fantasy. Fatigue, cramps and even sometimes pain or irritation quickly shortened coitus. Then, it is wrong to believe that a man can ejaculate many times in a row. Nature imposes an incompressible rest time (latency) between ejaculation and a new erection. This physiological constraint makes it obligatory to space the erections.

In addition, ejaculated semen is not inexhaustible and is reconstituted rather slowly. The first ejaculation expels the majority of sperm and the following ejaculations, if they are close together, are significantly poorer in liquid, which can make them painful. So do not believe what porn movies can show, since the various ejaculations, whose scenes are mounted end to end to make believe a superman, were filmed on different days ...

Making love all night is thus more a male fantasy, often performance-oriented, while female expectations are rather centered around the quality of a relationship, even shorter.

So to make love all night, do not think about going back and forth for 8 hours! Making love all night means practicing many long preliminaries, then coitus with or without ejaculation, then going to a moment of rest with tender discussions or resting in bed, then resorting to new caresses and preliminaries, to resume a possible coitus, etc. It's tender and it's beautiful!

How to make my hair wavy

10 ways to get wavy hair without plates

Did you know that there are 10 ways to get wavy hair without plates? Discover how to curl hair without heat.

wavy hair

Would you like to show off soft curls and voluptuous waves? Well in Ella Hoy we show you 10 ways to get wavy hair without plates, avoiding subjecting the hair to the tension of excessive temperatures and obtaining the same result.

And with the plates, in the end you spoil the hair little by little. We assure you an extremely natural definition and a hair without frizz with our tips. As we show you how to get a smooth mane without using the plates, today we will do it for the waves with new tricks and unique secrets.

wavy hair naturally

Wavy hair without plates using the diffuser
Drying with a diffuser is one of the golden rules for curly or wavy hair. To achieve a natural finish having combed and worked the hair. To start, dry your hair with your head down. All you have to do is put the hair in the diffuser and leave it for a few minutes. Use medium temperature, not too hot to avoid spoiling the hair. When you notice it dry, raise your head and with your fingers, gently cup your hair and go. For your best fixation, get yourself a foam or gel to take care of the health of your hair.

Wavy without plate: The spiral method
After washing the hair and with it still wet (not soaked), collect the hair in a kind of spiral as we show you in the photo. Let it act for 4 or 6 hours to get curls without heat. You can even sleep with him. You will be surprised by the result.

Sleeping with braids
There is nothing more effective than sleeping with braids to obtain super natural waves. It is one of the oldest and most popular methods that even our grandmothers made. To make the result even better, make two braids, one on each side of the head, always taking into account the hairline. The next morning you will hallucinate with the result.

Curls with flexible curls
More practical than traditional rollers, flexible rollers are able to give a beautiful movement to the hair. Put as many as you want, everything will depend on the amount of curl you prefer. For more bulky curls, use the large curlers. Keep them for 3 or 4 hours and when removing them, fix them with lacquer. You can also use the famous thermal curlers that are causing a sensation (only if you gave up trying to curl without heat).

Wavy hair with the band
We work on this occasion on dry hair. Choose a headband that is soft and flexible on the forehead. Then divide the hair into sections and roll it around the same band. In just 3 hours your hair will be wavy and defined.

Wavy hair with the sock
Use the sock and foam to achieve the desired effect. Cut the tip of the sock so that it is open on both sides and make a high ponytail. Then turn upside down and foam. Next, put on the sock and roll the hair from the ends, creating a kind of bun. In just 6 hours the hair will be wavy and you will have forgotten forever the plates.

Curl without heat with your finger
Immediately after washing your hair, divide it into two sections on each side with your hair still wet and create a kind of braids by spiraling with your finger. Keep it for 3 or 4 hours. When you are going to release it, use your fingers to hollow it and apply lacquer for fixing. The result? Some waves more than natural.

Make a bow
Make a bow under but well attached to sleep with him and that does not take away, as simple as that. For a more noticeable effect, make two bows, one on each side, without forgetting the side where you usually wear the stripe for an optimal result.

Rizar with a bandana
Get two or three bandanas, one of the hair accessories seen on the catwalks for this spring along with silk scarves. It is a kind of thin handkerchiefs or pieces of cloth made from an old shirt. Wrap small strands of hair around it. Your result is much more natural than you think, and on top of that!

The forks method
Do you like tight and big curls? Use as many hairpins as you can and create with them a kind of bun that covers all your hair. The result, after a few hours, will be incredible. Even if it does not bother you, you can sleep with him. Fix the hair when releasing it with a little lacquer.

Everyday Makeup for women

simple makeup for everyday

Simple makeup for everyday

Beauty routine: what we all know we have to do, but we do not comply

We know that cleaning, toning and moisturizing the skin every day is essential to fight against aging, but we are lazy.The most important step of all is cleanliness, according to beauty experts. 'The rest of products will penetrate better'

"The skin has memory", "uses sunscreen all year", "begins to take care of your face as soon as possible" ... We listen to this type of messages every day and we have it clear: maintaining a beauty routine is important to fight against the aging. However, at the moment of truth, we are lazy and do not follow the advice of the experts to the letter. Sometimes, we get tired of work and do not clean the skin well, we forget the neck and neck area when applying the creams or we do not know the differences between hydrating and nourishing. Beauty experts, clarifies all your doubts and explains in this video in which order the products should be used.

Daily cleaning According to Melgar, it is the most important step of all because a clean face ensures that the rest of the products penetrate better into the skin. The cleaners depend on the taste of the consumer. There are women who prefer in gel format, others in make-up milk ."The product should be spread all over the face and massage evenly.Our skin accumulates dirt and, if it is not clean, the rest of the creams or serum let's apply they will not do the same effect ". Do not forget the neckline area. "You have to take care of it, like the face." To remove the product, we can do it with a sponge or a damp towel. "Yes, we can only use it for our face, not take a normal towel that we have around there, so we will avoid impurities and dirt."

How is my daily makeup routine

I take a long shower each morning, dedicating a good 20 minutes to my skin routine, so my makeup has to be fast and infallible - less than 10 minutes from start to finish.

1. Every night before going to sleep clean my face completely, removing all the makeup and impurities. First I wash my face with a special soap for oily skin and then use special wipes to remove any traces of makeup or impurities that the wash did not remove. These wipes, in addition to being very practical, remove the makeup in just two steps, without the need to mistreat the skin, in addition some of these wipes have added the tonic that helps to close the pores and to keep the skin soft and smooth. You can find this type of make-up remover at any supermarket and they also come for every type of skin.

2. After cleaning the face very well, I apply moisturizing cream, I use a special cream for oily skin, since this way I hydrate my skin without generating pimples or pimples, as there are very oily creams that cause these problems. I recommend you always choose specialized products for your skin type. If you have acne, I recommend applying natural products to eliminate them as our natural dryers of pimples and pimples or our masks with aspirin to eliminate acne.

3. In the morning before I put on my face clean again, but this time I do it just by wiping the face, gently tapping my face to avoid excessive production of fat, because although you do not believe it, clean a lot The face during the day, it produces more fat, so it is advisable to do it only two or three times a day, including cleaning the night that should be deeper.

4. To avoid the production of grease and shine in my T zone, so quickly and that my makeup does not rust, I have a trick that I comment in detail in the article how to eliminate the brightness of the face naturally, but for now I say that I apply a little milk of magnesia, only in the areas where the fat is produced.

5. I continue with the application of the sunscreen, with gentle massages, but never circular, since it produces even more fat, also in the market you can find special protectors for oily skin. Remember that you should always apply sunscreen so you are not making sun, to protect your skin from ultraviolet rays and prevent premature aging.

6. Although this step is not done in my daily routine on my whole face, it is important that you hydrate your face every day. I only apply the moisturizer on the areas of my face that are dry to hydrate them very well. Depending on your skin type you should choose the moisturizer and all the products you use.

7. Now I start applying the correctors in the areas that I need, for example in the dark circles and the imperfections that I have on my face. It is important that you use a correct facial of the same tone as your skin or a little lighter, so that when applying the powder or the base you do not notice that you have a concealer, but if you cover all the imperfections.

8. Personally I do not use the liquid base because I think I produce more fat when I apply it, and also with all the products that I applied before I think that my makeup will be clean, uniform and natural. However many women use liquid base, so it is important that you apply it with the help of your fingers or a sponge or base brush, so that it is even on the face, without forgetting the neck so it does not look like that you have a mask The base in addition to helping to unify the tone of your skin, also helps that the open pores of your face are not noticed and that the makeup powders stick more and therefore the makeup lasts longer.

9. After the base dries completely you should start applying makeup powders, I personally use translucent powders to avoid the shine on my face, but if you apply colored powders, remember that you should choose a tone equal to that of your skin.

10. Then I apply a little blush on the cheeks, to give some makeup to the natural, and, besides that, the blush makes you look angelic and alive. Remember not to apply much since you would be wrong, because it seems that you are disguised as a clown.

11. My makeup is very natural, I really like to only give prominence to my eyes, so I apply a lash on both the top and bottom of the eyes. I apply three layers of mascara, allowing it to dry very well between layers so that I do not get lumps, and if I'm going to go out at night I like to apply more layers of eyelash to make them look more striking. I do not usually outline the eyes or apply shadows, but this is a good idea for many women, to make the eyes look bigger and more striking.

12. To finish I apply a shine on the lips and ready, I comb and go, natural, beautiful and with a makeup that will last me a long time.

how to lose weight fast in 2 weeks

how to lose weight fast in 2 weeks

Diet to lose weight in 2 weeks without going hungry

Diets to lose weight fast have become fashionable because they are short and effective diets. An excellent way to start dieting is with the diet to lose weight in two weeks, because in 15 days it is already possible to notice your progress and lose at least 5 kilos. This time I will show you how to take the diet of two weeks to burn fat naturally and without fear of rebound.

The first secret to lose weight fast without going hungry is the combination of food. You can eat a lot of green foods, have a feeling of fullness and just gain calories that turn into fats.

In fact, certain foods allow you to burn more calories than they provide, and all without dying of hunger.

The second secret to lose weight in two weeks are proteins. They are responsible for the formation of up to half of tissues. They provide amino acids and help the formation of gastric juices, essential to assimilate food.

Benefits of fast weight loss diets 

1.It is free of carbohydrates that cause obesity
2.It is healthy and nutritious
3.You can follow it as long as you want
4.Unlike the diet to lose weight 5 kilos in 3 days has NO rebound effect
5.It fills you with energy
6.Improves liver function
7.Protects from heart disease
8.Depura in organism
9.Provides few calories


This 15-day diet consists of a major dietary change. So if your diet was based on carbohydrates and you were not used to eating a lot of green foods, you may feel a slight dizziness, headache and even nausea during the first week. Those aches and pains disappear right away.

Diet to lose weight in 2 weeks
Every morning the breakfast will be the same. A green smoothie in which you can alternate the ingredients to give it a different flavor every day:

  • Half avocado
  • 2.Half Kiwi
  • 1 cup of spinach leaves
  • Celery leaves
  • Half banana
For the preparation, mix all the ingredients with water, natural juice without sugar or oats. To add a delicious touch add a teaspoon of coconut oil.

To sweeten you can use some natural sweetener, stevia or spirulina powder. That is, do not overdo the 3 grams or half a teaspoon.

BREAKFAST: Green Smoothie
LUNCH: Green salad, steamed spinach, whatever you like and two boiled eggs
DINNER: York ham to taste and green salad

About the green salad
In this diet to lose weight in 2 weeks we will include salad as a permanent dish. The green salad should be prepared with these ingredients: Cucumber, lettuce, tomato, beans, pearl onion, pepper, sunflower seeds, sprouts, carrots. You can season with oil and vinegar but just splash without abuse. And if you want to add salt that is only a pinch, and only if you really prefer it. Between meals you can also take green tea or tibetan tea to lose weight even more

how to lose weight fast in 2 weeks

BREAKFAST: Green Smoothie
LUNCH: Green salad, 1 apple and a lean beef filet
DINNER: 1 fish fillet, preferably salmon

BREAKFAST: Green Smoothie

LUNCH: Green salad, 2 large and ripe tomatoes and 2 boiled eggs.
DINNER: 1 medium beef steak and green salad

BREAKFAST: Green Smoothie
LUNCH: Green salad, harslberg cheese as much as you want and 1 cup of steamed beans.
DINNER: Yogurt light without sugar, all the fruit you want

BREAKFAST: Green Smoothie
LUNCH: Green salad, 1 large fish fillet grilled
DINNER: 2 large ripe tomatoes and ham York

BREAKFAST: Green Smoothie
LUNCH: Green salad, 2 carrots and 2 boiled eggs
DINNER: Grilled chicken whenever you want

BREAKFAST: Green Smoothie
LUNCH: Green salad, 1 cup of steamed spinach and 1 large fillet of bird
DINNER: Steamed fish accompanied by whatever you want. Pamper yourself as you like.

And the next week
Well, the program of the first week should be repeated also in the second to complete this diet to lose weight in 15 days.

The advantage of these short and effective diets is that they are not restrictive. That is to say that in no time you will go hungry. And if you get hungry between meals you can have green tea along with some fruit or a few dry cereals.

Final recommendations
As you have seen, it is possible to lose weight in 2 weeks with short and effective diets based on green foods and proteins. You can substitute some meats for others as long as they are lean.

Among the diets to lose weight fast I recommend a special one that will allow you to lose weight not only in 15 days but permanently and safely, because the creator is an accredited doctor.

7 secrets to return to being sexy after childbirth

Once we return home with our baby in our arms and we face our new "reality", we fight to put everything back in its place so that calm and blessed normality return


In pregnancy, we totally ignore ourselves and, when it comes to an end, we discover ourselves as mothers. Once we return home with our baby in our arms and face our new "reality", we fight to put everything back in place soon so that calm and blessed normality return.

Once your baby is taking the rhythm of home and you already feel more comfortable as a mother, we will be able to return to where we are in our own development and growth as a woman, because, yes, your son is very valuable and important, but you too, so we're not going to neglect it, right?

1. Give yourself time in time

One of the things that most concern and make women feel that they have just given birth is their weight and the radical change in their figure. Give yourself time, be patient with yourself and remember that it took you nine months to form a perfect little person in your belly. You did an extraordinary task! So, at least, it will take another nine months to get back on track.

It may interest you: How does your baby feel when you have sex during pregnancy?

There will be who will achieve in a few months his figure as he had before getting pregnant and others that take years, and even more that never achieve it. Do not lose sight of the fact that it is not a competition and that they do not award diplomas to achieve it. If you want to recover you will achieve it, again you will see the same or better than before pregnancy. Well, that answer you will find in the gym, in eating nutritiously and in your genetic history. Just remember to be disciplined, constant and give yourself time.

2. Where possible, rest

The principle of the recovery of your body and your mind to perform in your triple role as mother, wife and woman is to rest. Look for sleep, take naps while your baby also rests. Eat nutritiously and, please, do not run out or be overwhelmed! Breathe, calmly go that what we are doing is very important and vital for you and yours.

3. And where was the makeup?

You will feel much better and an excellent spirit if you give yourself a little attention: embellƩcete with a light and natural makeup, you will see that immediately your mood will go through the roof. Between the joy of having your child and feeling full as a woman, I assure you that you will see yourself radiant!

4. Do not hide your body

Maybe your body is still a little inflamed and nothing remains as you want, but do not get in or hide in pajamas, blouses, slacks and other loose factions that do not discipline the body and, on the contrary, they favor to take any form except the one you want.

Put on a loose dress but with a waist that feels good and suits you. It is a good remedy that will help you bypass the famous and so feared postpartum depression because you will be very busy with your beautiful son, your husband, your home, your work and putting a lot of effort into your new and improved image.

5. Hair and skin to the point

Pregnancy can cause some extra wear on skin and hair, so you have to pay double attention to make them beautiful again.

As for the skin, the natural and frequent consequence are stretch marks. There is no other: exercise once the doctor authorizes it, have a healthy diet and low in flours and soft drinks (sodas), and do not forget to add a good anti-stretch mark cream.

For hair, if necessary, a good cut to renew it and once a week apply coconut oil before going to sleep, you will see that your hair will gradually become moist. Eat one jelly per week or some product with collagen; In hair, feet and even nails the results will be seen.

6. Our secret: a fajilla

To discipline this powerful body! No hard and extreme strips, remember that we are going little by little, so choose something soft and elastic that gives you good support, confidence in the belly and that allows you to perspire.

7. Get out of the house! With all the above, my dear friend, you are ready to go out and conquer the world. You will be a beautiful mom! Without neglecting your little one, take up the relationship with your husband, take time to go out as a couple - a little while at least - to walk or have an ice cream, take your hand and long live love! They are a family now, and you are a beautiful and happy woman.

Physical activities both adolescents and adults

Importance of physical activities in adolescents-

Efficiency in gestures and the development of muscle strength and aerobic capacity are enhanced in adolescence after the maturation of the neuromuscular and hormonal systems. This development is different and occurs at different times according to sex.
In adolescence, having friends who perform physical activity is important to contribute to the development and consolidation of an active habit.
The incorporation of physical activity of greater intensity, such as the training of strength and power among others, should be stimulated in the game as a fundamental aspect of development at this age.
Strength programs (with appliances, elastic bands) must consider the stages of sexual maturity that are accompanied by the development of other systems. Supervision of programs requires guidance from a physical education professional or coach. The consultation with the reference doctor must be periodic and subject to specific indications in front of the sports competition at this age.
Menstruation in adolescent women should not be a cause to contraindicate physical activity, on the contrary, it should be considered as a physiological aspect within a woman's life and attend to special situations if they existed (pain, excessive bleeding).

activities in adolescents


• Teenagers should enjoy playing and sports without being pressured by adults.
• Bones and muscles are stimulated with adequate strengthening exercises under the supervision of professionals. Excessive loads can cause injuries.
• Before participating in sports (soccer, basketball, hockey, skating) it is advisable to have a specific medical evaluation and to take advice on personal care measures to apply before, during and after the effort.

• When doing physical activity, wear clothing appropriate to the weather and protect from solar radiation.

Childhood and adolescence are periods of opportunity to establish healthy habits that will be maintained more easily in adulthood. Children who perform physical activity are more likely to practice it when they are adults.


Perform at least one hour of moderate to intense physical activity per day, incorporate strength exercises at least twice a week and decrease sitting times, especially in front of cell phones and televisions.
Socialization is very important in adolescence and care for others must be promoted as much as your own.
Always monitor the aligned posture of the spine. Avoid overloading it.


• Daily tasks: Walking and walking at a light pace. Climbing and descending stairs, collaborating in housework, moving actively: by bicycle, skate, etc. (taking into account the safety requirements implied by each means of transport). Monitor the posture of the spine when transporting backpacks.
Participate in physical education classes, in addition to sports or activities offered by the community.
• Physical activities in free time (taking into account the possibilities and tastes): dancing, gymnastics, swimming, inviting friends to do sports activities or exercise together.
• Spontaneous physical activities: games on the street and playground. Help in domestic tasks that involve physical effort.
• Sports and recreational games: playing and / or practicing recreational or sports games, as well as using active ways of traveling (walking, running, cycling, swimming, etc.).
• Promote participation and fun and not sports results.
• Promote the learning of the management of frustrations when the results are not as expected.
• Promote the learning of the administration of the triumphs before its adversaries in the case of achievements.

Physical activity for adults

Exercise for seniors is also very much important.
The stage of adulthood is of great labor, family and social productivity. Motor skills are developed if they are trained or practiced in a habitual way and this allows an adult life with energy, vitality and health. The practice of physical activity in different environments (home, work, transfers and free time) allows to achieve the recommendations of physical activity and prevent diseases associated with lifestyle. It is never too late to start benefiting from being active and less sedentary.

Exercise recommendations

For people 18 to 64 years of age we recommend doing at least 150 minutes a week of moderate aerobic activity, accumulated in periods of at least 10 continuous minutes. If intense activities are carried out, the recommendation is reached with 75 minutes or the combination of intense and moderate activities (1 minute intense equals 2 moderate minutes). Include muscle strengthening exercises at least 2 times a week.
It is advisable to minimize the moments in which we sit, lie down or in front of a screen (television, computer) during the day and divide the moments in which we perform these sedentary activities with active intervals (stop, walk, climb or descend stairs). For every hour we sit down we should move at least 10 minutes.
If the person has a sedentary pattern, it is recommended to begin the practice of physical activity in a smooth and gradual way, always looking for an activity according to their tastes and the possibilities depending on their daily life. Increasing levels of physical activity can quickly lead to muscle aches, a feeling of fatigue and little desire to move again.
The stage of adulthood groups people with different levels of physical conditioning and health status. Therefore, each person should, beyond the minimum recommendations, individually and progressively perform more physical activity and be less sedentary. It is convenient to incorporate physical activity into daily life so that it becomes a habit and a way of life. The type of physical activity will be chosen by each person in relation to their preferences, their possibilities and resources, but we must remember that health benefits can be achieved by performing daily activities and not necessarily being an athlete. Find what you like to do and move! Identify sedentary activities in which you can decrease the time

Physical exercise


• Daily tasks: walking and walking at a light pace. Up and down stairs. Perform household chores Move actively: by bicycle, walking, etcetera. If a load (bag, purse, backpack) is transported when walking, it is necessary to balance it and keep the column aligned. Take into account the security requirements of each means of transport.
• Physical activity and working life: if at the workplace has Active Work Pause start attending. Move to work on foot or if you do it by bus for the long distance, try not to sit down and go down some stops before to walk the last leg walking and vice versa when returning home. In the case of work activities that involve great physical effort (intense) may require control by specialists.
• Physical activities in free time:: taking into account the possibilities and tastes, consider dance classes, gymnastics, swimming, integrate a sports team. If you have a gym or a sports hall in the community, start a program based on your possibilities, requesting assistance in its design. Walk around the neighborhood, take the dog for a walk.
• Spontaneous physical activities: dance at home, if you live with children and / or adolescents, share with them games that involve movement, gardening, orchard, etc. Do the errands walking.
• Sports and recreational games: according to the age, abilities and skills of each person it is advisable to play the sport of your choice, if possible outdoors sports should be tried.

5 exercises to reduce the fat of the buttocks

hip exercise

Showing firm and fat-free buttocks is not a thing of the other world; however, it is a "hard to crack" zone. The excess of fat that is deposited in hips, buttocks and thighs, can favor the appearance of hemorrhoids, varicose veins and cellulite. Therefore, it is important to prevent with exercises to reduce fat in the buttocks.

According to my oipenion these 5 exercises will help you burn fat and look firm buttocks.

1.- Squatting. It is considered the best exercise to tone legs and glutes. You can do them using a barbell, a pair of dumbbells or using your body weight as resistance.

Start by standing with your legs spread at shoulder height. Tilt both legs at the same time and lower your buttocks to the ground, without touching it. Hold this position for a second and then push yourself with both legs to resume the initial position. Make sure your knees do not get hurt while doing it.

2. Half squat. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, your back straight and your butt a little out. Leave your chest straight, with the abdomen firm and look straight ahead. Flex your legs at a 90 degree angle. Perform three sets of 15 repetitions.

3. Hip extensions. Lie on the bed so that your legs are hanging by the edge. With the muscles of your buttocks and thighs lift both legs at the same time until they are at the same height of your hips. In this position, he raises one leg over the other and begins to alternate the leg that is higher in a movement similar to the kicking that takes place when swimming. You have 3 repetitions of 20 kicks.

4. Lifting backwards. Stand up with your hands in front or at the waist and simply lift one leg back (as far as you can reach) from there on you have 2 sets of 10 repetitions per leg. If you have problems with balance, you can hold the wall or a chair.

5. Skating. If you prefer something more extreme and you do not like the repetition exercise, the skates can help you to remove the fat from your buttocks without realizing it. Roller skating is one of the most complete exercises for legs, glutes and waist. Skating also helps you improve your cardiovascular health and forget about stress.

For people who have the body in "pear-shaped", the gluteal area is the first where fat accumulates when you gain weight and is the last place you leave, so changes in your body will be gradual , do not despair.
If you practice these exercises to reduce fat in the buttocks and enrich your diet with fiber, you will achieve it.

How to burn fat from the lower back

The fat located in the lower part of the back is never welcome, especially when it hovers just above the pants, forming a kind of frightening michelin. Excess fat in the lower back area is often an indicator of excess fat throughout the body in general.

Reducing the fat of the lower back on its own is not possible, but reducing fat in general, yes. By combining a regular cardiovascular exercise (minimum 3 times per week) with strength training exercises focused on the muscles of the lower back, we will be able to minimize excess body fat. Losing excess fat by toning the muscles in this area will help you get a more defined and sexy back.

Step 1: cardio

Do cardiovascular exercise to burn excess fat. Focus on exercises that require whole-body movement, such as running, swimming, brisk walking, biking or rowing. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends that overweight adults should increase their activity to 45 minutes of exercise per day to increase weight loss and avoid regaining it after a certain time.

Step 2: superman

Make supermans. Lie face down on the floor, with your legs together and fully extended and arms extended above the head. Stabilizes the abdominal muscles, contracts the lower back, and at the same time raises the arms and legs off the floor. Hold the position for about five seconds, and then relax.


Step 3: dead weight

Do dead weight reps with stretched bar and legs. Place a loaded bar on the floor, and stand with your legs slightly apart and your shins against the bar. Keep your legs as straight as possible, bend your waist forward with your abdomen tight, chest forward and back arched. Hold the bar with a pronation grip. Keep your arms relaxed, lift the bar by turning your hips upright with your back straight. Lean forward to return to the starting position.

Step 4: good morning

Make good morning. Stand with your feet slightly apart, and place a bar on your back and shoulders, holding it with your hands. Hardens the torso and contracts the abdominal muscles. Keeping your back straight, bend your torso forward until you feel a stretch in your hamstrings. Lift the torso to return to the starting position.

Step 5: lumbar in a Roman chair

Make lumbar. Stand face down in a Roman chair, with your ankles under the roller pads and the pubic bone of the support platform. Put your hands together in front of your head or chest and start with your head facing the ground. Lift your torso until you get into a completely horizontal position. Hold for a few seconds and then slowly lower to the starting position. To increase resistance, hold a weight disc resting against your chest while doing the exercise.
roman chair

Perform 3 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions of each of the exercises we have mentioned. You can do this circuit of exercises up to 3 times a week, combining them with exercises to work the rest of the muscular areas of the body.

The 7 fashion trends that will triumph in 2018

Once we leave behind 2017, we must put the focus already on the trends of this 2018. The year comes with fun garments, striking colors and the most original fabrics.

Join fashion trends and become a whole 'it girl' of 2018. Here you have the clothes that will set trends and that can not miss in your wardrobe this season

1. Logomania
The fashion for wearing clothes in which the brand is read is a trend this 2018. Do not hide the brand and, on the contrary, presume it. The logos are the protagonists of this leading trend.

2. Transparencies
Another 'must' of this year will be the transparencies. They arrive in all their versions. You can get a dress or a transparent shirt and you will triumph this 2018.


3. Pictures everywhere
Checkered garments will be the queens this year. Jump of the American and the pants, 'print' star of last season to bags and sweaters, etc.

2018 fashion trends womens

4. American-dress
The celebrities dared with this garment in 2017 and the 'low cost' firms have copied the idea to make it a 'must have' this spring. Combine them with high boots or sandals. The result is incredible!

american dress

5. Sports shorts with heels
Mixing different styles, fabrics and prints is a good way to play with fashion. The sports shorts combined with high heels born of this idea and will be the most this 2018.

sports shorts

6. Striking skirts and dresses
Spring will come full color. Oranges, roses, greens, etc. will be some of the fashionable colors. If you want to go to the last bet for a skirt or a dress in these tones and remember that the more striking the better.


7. The top over the shirt
The fashion bloggers did not stop repeating this combination last summer. Now the trend jumps to the street.

shirt under dress

How to make your hair shiny

Avoid over-use of your hair dryer or straightener, as these devices damage the hair and dull it. Do not forget to apply a nourishing mask once a week.

hair smoothening

Having shiny hair and more, silky, is probably a sign of health and youth, and proof that they are well cared! The scalp may be able to reflect the events in our life or the things that are happening around us (the atmosphere we live in) so it is important to take care of your hair and be satisfied with it.

You have probably already tried many expensive and draconian treatments to improve the condition of your hair, treatments that may not have been effective, or at least not as much as you would have liked. In this case, we want to give you some natural solutions to treat your hair so that they show all your beauty!

Our solutions for shiny hair

1. The banana and the egg

Silky hair tips

Take a banana and cut it into small pieces. Puree it. Then, separate the egg white and mix it with banana to get a thick cream. Stir well and apply on the hair. If you want, you can also mix it with a yogurt to dilute it. Your hair will be even more beautiful!

2. The mayonnaise

In this case, the mayonnaise will act as a balm on the hair. It may seem a little embarrassing because of the fat it contains, but it is effective. You must apply mayonnaise on the hair as if it were a mask. Let it work for about 20 minutes.

For convenience, use a plastic cap or wrap your hair in a plastic pouch. Once the 20 minutes have passed, wash your hair well to remove the remains of the mask. Apply a little softening cream if you want. This treatment is a little onerous, but it is effective because it brings a little body fat to the scalp. It gives better results on dry hair.

3. The lawyer

You will need a lawyer if you have short hair, or two avocados if your hair is long. Crush the avocado to get a thick cream. Apply this cream on the hair, from roots to ends. Let it work for 20 minutes. Then wash your hair as you usually do. Use this treatment every other day.

4. Beer


First, pour the beer into a container and let it sit for about an hour to flush the foam. Then pour it on the clean hair and massage the scalp for about ten minutes. Rinse thoroughly with water and apply the conditioner that will remove the smell of beer.

5. Aloe vera and honey


Everyone knows that aloe vera and honey make hair shine! For that, what needs to be done is simple. Take four beautiful fleshy leaves of aloe vera and collect the liquid they contain. Add this liquid to your shampoo and three spoonfuls of honey, then wash your hair as you normally do.

6. The fruit mask

For this treatment, you will need a little time and some simple products. First, peel and crush two bananas. Then squeeze two oranges and add this juice to the banana puree.

Mix well to obtain a fine porridge and add five spoonfuls of honey. Once you have obtained a homogeneous mixture, apply it on the hair by performing a massage. Leave on for 2 hours and wash your hair.

7. The lemon


Put a few drops of lemon in a container with little water, preferably. Apply this liquid to the hair and leave on for 15 or 20 minutes. Then wash your hair. It is advisable to apply this treatment in the evening, but if not, take care not to expose yourself to the sun during the day.

Some recommendations
Avoid using an electric drier or straightener without being sure that your thermostat is working properly. Use a nourishing mask at least once a week and brush your hair gently. Try to maintain the natural softness of your hair cuticle. By taking good care of your scalp, the sun will shine in your hair!

The right way to exercise at a gym

Fitness club

The routine you should follow in the gym to start getting fit

When a person joins the gym and has just played sports, you can have many questions and doubts about how you should train, what exercises you should do, if you must follow a specific order in terms of exercises, how often you change your routine.

If we do not have all (or most) of these clear issues, we may not achieve our goals, injure ourselves or, worse, end up leaving the gym and practicing sports in a short time. And these tips are equally applicable whether we are going to start training in a gym or if we are going to train in our house.

The importance of structuring a routine well, especially if you are a novice

Organize your routine well, choose the exercises and especially the order in which you perform, is one of the most important parts when training. And if you are a beginner and you are starting in the gym, it is even more important, since it will be basic in the achievement of the goals that you set and in the possibilities of abandoning in case of not observing any progress.

As a general brushstroke, the best way to structure an exercise routine would be to start with the multi articular exercises (which are the ones with the most muscle mass going to be involved in the movement) and end with the analytical or isolated movements (which are those in which only one muscle is worked, for example, a biceps curl).


Basic conditioning routine: what should we do the first weeks?

We start from the assumption that we have never trained before or that we have been without sports for a long time (years) and we want to get fit to have healthier habits. What should we do?

The best way to start during the first weeks (we are talking about a period between six and eight weeks at least) would be to opt for a full-body type routine with the goal of greasing our entire body and get used to the exercise. This type of routines are often used to adapt newcomers to the gym or for those who have been injured and begin to readjust to physical exercise.

Within these first weeks, we will work with light weights that we will increase progressively as our muscles become accustomed to the requirement of training, to avoid also, as far as possible, the dreaded laces.

The importance of learning the technique of exercises well

As novices we are, there will be exercises that we do not know how to perform, and therefore it is important that before launching ourselves to deepen the training and add volume and intensity, we learn correctly the technique of the exercises with which we are going to work, with the In order to prevent injuries and setbacks that impede progress or that directly force us to stop because we have been injured.

In addition, by learning the technique of the exercises, we can obtain better progress than if we made them "half-heartedly".

Knowing the basic exercises

Within the exercises with which we will be able to work, there is a group of them that are known as "the basics", since they are the basis of any training and they are the ones with the most muscle mass involved in their execution (and those that more strength they will provide us).

Press bench

The bench press is the star exercise, along with the push-ups, when we talk about working the chest. In addition, it is an exercise that will also work on our shoulders (especially the anterior portion) and the triceps (for example, the closer our grip is, the more the triceps will work).



Classic exercise and that, whenever possible, should not be missing in any routine because of the large number of muscles involved in it. From our forearms and hands to work the grip to our legs to avoid the rocking, the dominated are, possibly, the exercise that more muscles works.

However, and because it is not easy to perform correctly and its progression is usually slow compared to any other exercise, it is an exercise that is loved and hated in equal parts by people who are dedicated to training .

Military Press

This exercise can be done with both bar and dumbbells, and will allow us to perform a very interesting shoulder job. In addition, if we do it with bar and feet, we will also recruit our core muscles to prevent backstrokes and back arches.

Rowing with barbell / dumbbells

Great exercise to gain strength and density in the back and that allows a great transfer of benefits when performing pull-ups. For those who can not do a domina, I recommend that you start working with this exercise.


The star exercise when we talk about working the undercarriage, and one of the most debated has focused on the technique: should pass the knee or not the toes, we must do deep squat or not, the tips of the feet towards the front or slightly to the outside.


Dead weight

This exercise is classified as a back exercise and those who see it as a more focused exercise to the femoral or gluteal area. In any case, it is an exercise that also involves a large muscle mass and that will allow us to do a good job and obtain good progress if we incorporate it into our routine.
But not all are good news. The deadlift is an exercise that requires a specific technique to avoid injury. It is very common to see people who bend their backs when they begin their uprising or who during the tour have to "chep" or even perform lumbar hypertension in the final part of the movement. We must pay close attention to our back because it is very easy to injure ourselves if we do not do things right.

Combining strength and cardio in the gym

And if we talk about combining strength and cardiovascular training in the gym, there is one word we should keep in mind: HIIT. The HIIT training will allow us to combine strength and cardiovascular training within the same training, with the great advantage of greatly reducing the time we need for our routine.

the gym

But if you are newbies, do not obsess with this type of training, since you could easily get injured by not being used to high intensity workouts. Go introducing it little by little into your routine, and you will see the benefits that come with these "express routines".

The causes of gaining weight

Weight gaining

Reason behind weight gaining

The stress

Everyone is exposed to stress, but some people manage it more effectively than others. It's not the stress factor that's involved, but the way it's answered. When stress is not managed properly, our body goes into survival mode, releasing cortisol, the stress hormone.
One effect of the effects of cortisol is to increase appetite. This is why some people instinctively resort to what they call "comfort food".
Usually, high-calorie foods like chocolate, candy, ice cream and others seem to offer more "comfort" than healthier options like fruits and vegetables. So you do not have to wonder why you put on weight during periods of stress.

Lack of sleep

Lack of sleep can come with stress, but in some cases, you can have insomnia because you do all kinds of things instead of going to bed early.
Television, internet, video games are the distractions of the modern world that keep us awake until late into the night, without realizing that we are wasting a good sleep against these hobbies.
There are two reasons why people who do not get enough sleep gain weight.
The first is hormonal. Lack of sleep disrupts the release of hormones that increase hunger and decrease satiety.
The second is that when we wake up late, we tend to get more snacks than we should.


There may be medications, including over-the-counter medications, that can make you fat. These include steroid drugs, some anti-arthritis medications, diabetes medications, hypertension, beta-blockers, anti-depressants and other medications for mental problems.
Changes in metabolism, water retention or increased appetite, the mechanisms explaining weight gain are varied.

Steroid, anti-arthritis, and some antidiabetic medications can cause weight gain because of salt and water retention. This side effect is aggravated if you eat salty foods.
Antipsychotic and antidepressant products may also cause hormonal changes that may increase appetite, but it is also possible that improved emotional well-being may lead to better appetite. Depression, in itself, can also lead to weight gain. So it is really better to increase physical activity, which will not only burn excess calories, but also release hormones of well-being to improve mental and emotional conditions.
Contraceptive pills are often accused of being the cause of weight gain. The combination of estrogen-progestin pills may cause small weight gain due initially to salt and water retention, but studies have shown that this effect is short-lived and generally dissipates over time. If you continue to gain weight more than six months after taking birth control pills, talk with your doctor or dietician nutritionist to look for a reason elsewhere.


Certain diseases such as hypothyroidism (thyroid gland dysfunction), Cushing's syndrome and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) can lead to weight gain. The thyroid is the butterfly-shaped glandular organ just below the Adam's apple.

When it is hyper-functioning, we lose weight despite an increased appetite.
Conversely, with a hypo function, we tend to gain weight despite a limited intake of calories.
An individual with hypothyroidism feels slow, tired, cold and weak. In fact, low levels of thyroid hormones slow down metabolism, leading to weight gain and decreased energy. Fortunately, this can be treated with medication. Still need to be diagnosed!
Cushing's syndrome is an abnormal condition that increases the level of hormone cortisol. It may be due to a tumor of the adrenal glands, a corticotropic adenoma (benign pituitary tumor) or it may be induced by taking a drug, such as some anti-inflammatory steroids for asthma, bronchial allergies or rheumatoid arthritis.
This syndrome leads to unbalanced weight gain, usually found around the face, neck, upper back, or waist. We talk about facio-truncal obesity.Polycystic ovary syndrome occurs in some women of childbearing age. Multiple small cysts form in the ovaries, resulting in hormonal imbalance. One of the main complications is insulin resistance. These women eventually become diabetic and gain weight, especially around the belly (visceral obesity).

Special cases


Does menopause lead to weight gain? No ... this is an idea. Weight gain is not due to menopause itself, but to the aging process and the decrease in body metabolism. Some women also tend to be less physically active after menopause, hence the extra pounds.

Stop smoking

When you stop smoking, you can expect weight gain from increased hunger, but that should not be a reason to start smoking again. The dangers of smoking are more than a hundred times more dangerous for one's health, compared to the risk of taking one or two kilograms that can be lost thereafter.

11 reasons why you can not lose weight: you will quickly see the differences!

You have taken the wise step of adopting a healthy diet for some time. But you find, helplessly, that your weight has not moved. Even if he has ... increased. You are not the first to find yourself in this situation. And if, without knowing it, you had indeed realized your objectives? Know that the weight of your body tends to fluctuate during the day, depending on what you eat, among others. It also depends on the amount of water you drink. Weigh yourself once a week rather than getting on the scale every day.
For results that are true to reality, you have to weigh yourself in the morning, on an empty stomach, after having been in the bathroom. It's simple, to be aware of the difference, weigh yourself in the morning, before and after drinking your tea or coffee: the result is surprising!

And most importantly, do not panic if your weight has not moved. Let your balance drop a bit and take out your jeans, which remains, by far, your best judge, because he never lies! This is how you will get an estimate of your body mass. And your mirror too, by the way!

1. You do not follow your nutrition.

Walking around with a notebook to count each calorie consumed during the day must be a stressful activity, and the idea is not to frantically analyze your diet.

It is always nice to enjoy a good dinner with friends or family without taking your head, confusion, guilt and stress are the best ways to crack for good.

Tracking your nutrition for a week is more than enough to give you an idea of ​​the amount of food you eat, and you can do this once a month to see where you are.

It's a simple way to become aware of your needs, and changes to be made in the future. Most of the time, we are not aware of what we eat. Many studies have shown that most people really do not know what they are eating during the day. Some foods contain a lot of calories, and we do not know it completely.

Hence the importance of monitoring. People who have the reflex to study their diet lose much more weight than people who do not.

2.You do not eat enough protein.

protein food

Protein is essential for weight loss and maintenance because it helps reduce your addiction to sugary foods and promotes a feeling of fullness. By consuming protein, you no longer want to snack between meals. Better than carbohydrates, proteins have the advantage of regulating ghrelin, which helps to feel fuller longer. In addition, proteins are essential for building and maintaining your muscle mass.

3.You should consume too much calories.

Junk food

The calories are not the same when you eat a packet of chips at 500 kcal or vegetables, including the same calories. We tend to underestimate the nature of calories consumed, hence the importance of calculating the actual intake of a food.

The solution is to know how to differentiate the "healthy" food from the "dietetic" food found in stores. Know that healthy foods are the ones you cook yourself at home.

4.You do not do bodybuilding.

Body building

5.You do not (enough) cardio


You have to find the right balance between bodybuilding and cardio sessions. Cardio is very important for weight loss, and especially allows you to burn fat contained in the belly fat called "visceral", which is built around organs and can cause diseases, including.

6. You should drink sweet drinks.

Sweet drink

Many people, despite their diet and their new way of life, drink fruit juice without knowing that it can be just as harmful as a normal solid food. Our brains do not treat liquid calories in the same way as solid foods. Your favorite fruit juice contributes to your daily caloric load ... And you are no less hungry after eating them, and there is a trap, because drinks contain more sugars than we imagine.

7.You are not sleeping well.


The key to a healthy life is also to sleep well! This is very important if you want to be physically fit as well as mentally, and manage your body mass. According to a number of studies, poor sleep is a big factor in obesity. It is expected that adults who sleep poorly are 55% more likely to become obese, and children are 89% at risk of having weight problems when they sleep poorly. Lack of sleep causes a cascade of reactions, such as the decrease of leptin, a hormone that promotes satiety, and the increase of ghrelin, the hormone of hunger. When we sleep badly, we do not want to eat anymore.

8.You do not consume the good carbs


Avoiding sweet treats is not the only thing to do: some starchy foods can cause so much damage, and some blood sugar spikes that can cause weight gain. Focus on whole grains like oats, millet and brown rice, to eat small portions.

9.You do not drink enough water.


Water is important for maintaining optimal health. According to a 12-week weight loss study, overweight people who drank half a liter of water half an hour before their meals lost weight in 44% of cases, unlike the others. The feeling of hunger is the first sign that you are thirsty, in reality. Drink a glass of water before each meal, you will see: you may not actually really hungry.

10.You drink alcohol too often


Rich in calories, alcoholic beverages, especially cocktails are a considerable sugar intake. Beers, wines and other sugary drinks are very bad for weight loss, if they are consumed to excess. A night of high alcohol consumption can negate a whole week of efforts in the kitchen and in the gym. Because after those nights, we tend to eat a lot, and badly.

11.You are too focused on the idea of losing weight at all costs


We have all experienced moments of relaxation. Sometimes you end up losing control. This is a bit of a problem, when you keep too much from eating, and you get into a cycle of hardships and diets too drastic. In reality, diets do not work when they are too private. We must therefore consider adopting a realistic and effective lifestyle over a long term.

You must feel that you can always enjoy life, and simple little pleasures, such as food. Do not make weight loss an obsession. Allow time and effort to do things and focus on the new healthy lifestyle that you adopt.